So about the same as the monarchy.
So about the same as the monarchy.
Who are you seeking to protect here?
After death is the best time to criticize someone, you can’t hurt their feelings. My stepgrandfather’s stories were boring. Who are you protecting here, homeboy? The queen’s not going to fuck you.
When? Where? I think anytime a thing that’s worth criticizing is in the news, is a good time to criticize it, but I’m sure I can be persuaded otherwise.
Did she lead a life of luxury? Yes. But she didn’t have much choice.
The adult children she apparently protected from meaningful consequences for their sins? Also, the queen is dead. Who else is there to feel the sting of her being dragged “for the sins of her adult children” except the adult children who deserve to be dragged?
What time works for you?
Interesting. I just re-skimmed it, and I don’t see a ton of what I’d call snark, especially if you ignore the stuff criticizing colonialism, the Empire, etc., and anything I might call snark seems to be directed at assholes who are still living (e.g., Prince Andrew), which would seem fair game. Different strokes I…
Depends on which ones you ask.
No. She shielded Andrew who cavorted with, and used the services of, a sex trafficker. But was disappointed in Charles, who had an affair with a grown ass adult.
You aren’t a feminist. You are a creep who defends some rich asshole who protected her pedophile rapist family member.
They should be a lot nicer to this rich person who protects her pedophile family from consequences.
Virginia Giuffre is her name. She fought for a jury trial. Prince Andrew tried to get her suit dismissed. When the case was not dismissed, he also wanted a jury trial. By all accounts it was in the Royal family’s interest to settle. Not the other way round. Either you are being intellectually dishonest or you have no…
Working hard? As a Queen? You read what you just wrote? Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit. She was in charge since WW2 and done nothing to right the wrongs of the empire.
Nah. What’s disgusting is what the British empire has done to billions of people in African and other indigenous nations DURING her rule. Not one apology during the entire time, or one ounce of remorse. So for literally everyone else, it’s fuck the queen. Don’t care if you don’t like it.
Yes, when we’ve all “worked as long and hard” as someone born into wealth, privilege, and power they’ve never had to earn, maybe then you’ll allow them to opine on colonialism and oppression. How kind!
Thankfully, the pedigree and procurement of the artifacts were carefully annotated by British historians and the British museum. The former colonies have sovereign governments now. The UK knows where to find them. I am sure they would be pleased to be the caretakers of their own shit.
She helped pay 12 million pounds for the sin of one her adult children. Bloggers pointing out that she shielded him is accurate.
Inertia, not affection, has kept the royals in the Canadian constitution. Outside of an eccentric fringe, no one cares about them.
RIP. But it is time this outdated, feudal system died with her. Return all the land, gems, artifacts etc to their rightful origin.