Vee Zee

What does cimate change have to do with race and bigotry? I’m stating facts and you sound like it’s ok as long as you falsely accuse democrats of something else. Lame.

Republicans will suppress information to fit their destructive agenda. Expect more of this.

Stop calling the United States America please. That makes you ignorant.

Gene splicing OK but frown at stem Cell research. Got it.

Correction: For the past 50 years

Just remember that The United States is NOT America, it is “OF” America.

Clinton won the popular vote by almost 3 Million votes. That should be her meeting with.

Religious Christians are going to be offended by this revelation. Get ready for the deniers.

Republicans use the term global warning to mock its validity.

He pulled a Trump.

Looks like a lot of work.

Any well versed 3D programmer can design a death star with comon sense algorithms. SPHERE, PATHWAYS, WINDOWS, TRENCHES, CIRCULAR CUT, BUMPING, MAPPING, MATERIALS, all random generated. Poof, a death star.

What the fuck is a “rave” anyway? In my good old days it was called breakbeat.

I used to own fiestas, jeeps, vans for one reason, I like square vehicles. The screwd the fiesta up.