
So basically if you call the police on a white supremacist in Alabama, you’re now dealing with three white supremacists? 

How many people of color end up with felony and misdemeanor convictions that follow them forever for one mistake? We are not afforded the luxury of not having our mistakes (let alone the mistakes of other people who’s only tangible similarity to us is the same-ish skin tone) define us for our whole lives, and we don’t

He does that.

Have to raise my fist to this (sans alcoholic beverage...this time).

As a Palestinian it is really, deeply appreciated and inspiring to see so many Black leaders and voices take time from their own struggle to lend strength and moral authority to ours. Thank you.

Israel plays a dangerous game when they try to link criticism of their obvious apartheid system with anti-Semitism. Hopefully the compassion of the younger generation which seems to burn so brightly right now, that quality that leads them to align further and further away from the right-wing Israeli government just as

“So he and his bros can lecture black women on how dumb they are and how they don’t know how to pick a candidate?”

I know you have a hard time with facts cd, but that’s ok. We’ll all see what happens in the primaries.

Wait, you mean like that white guy (people?) in SC who shot police officers trying to serve a warrant for arrest and somehow succeeded in getting him alive? How many police were injured that day?

And because trolls revel in proving every nasty stereotype about white people right here’s some cretin who decided to leave his brain droppings in my inbox.

It wasn’t hostage situation, stop mischaracterizing it as such. And maybe this award is for loss of a family member to callous government hitmen psychos. Yeah she had a gun, because she didn’t want to be another god damn victim. Yeah she was mentally ill, but so are the Bundys. They were serving a warrant, not

Couldn’t agree with this more. EVERY time someone brings up how blacks who are shot/killed by officers “shouldn’t have been (insert excuse here),” I bring up how serial killers (majority of whom are white) are almost always either captured alive or die because they commit suicide. No one ever has a good comeback ...

And of course the idiot racist trolls who flock to these stories like flies on shit to say stupid shit just can’t fucking stay the hell away. Disgusting!

“Corporal Ruby was not required to be absolutely sure of the nature and extent of the threat Gaines posed.”

So many aspects of this case are disturbing but the one that’s foremost in my mind is the utter glee with which LEO’s seem to look forward to killing Black people as evidenced by how many other standoffs with white people don’t end in death. Standoffs with whites who are armed, have published anti-government

In an ironic twist, the very laws written to protect and promote women and minorities also prevent public universities from promoting women and minorities.

My God, this man is 53. does Cory Booker not know that the fastest way to lose a Presidential election is by courting white votes at the expense of black ones? Did he just miss Bernie Sanders’ entire 2016 run?