
She is another Hillary. Bought establishment corporate lameness. Tulsi Gabbard is the closest we have to a young Bernie.

It already has widespread adoption. The default is that you can record anything that occurs in public because there’s no expectation of privacy. That includes private citizens and police officers. Even in states with 2 party consent laws, public interactions are not covered, so police never win these cases. When they

Let’s be clear; I’m being harsh and rude to some spineless and dishonorable people here shilling the Israeli government’s narrative and trying to smear Hill even further.

At the absolute worst, Hill is guilty of a poor choice of phrase. I and many others would argue he isn’t even that, all the people saying it’s “clearly anti-Semitic” have conveniently forgotten Herut-Likud slogans that use the phrase in a nationalist sense for Israelis, but even accepting he should have used a

That is a totally different animal, and you know it. 

Dr. Hill was unjustly fired from CNN for speaking out about oppressed people—further illustrating that even someone who has risen as high as he has, is still an oppressed person.

Why would granting democratic rights to Palestinians require Israel to be destroyed in its entirety? Those are some spicy priors you’re working with.

Even without the “river to the sea” part he’d be called an anti-Semite so this reaction is hardly surprising.

I had some white girl whining to me about her poor, dear grandmother not having privilege when she moved here in the 40s and trying to convince me that she had it so hard as a white woman in the 2010s.

To be clear, the police department had access to this video for more than a year.

Yet, in every conversation about race and its implications, someone will cite the “My grandfather came here with 10 cents in his pocket and with hard work, he made it!” myth!

HE IS ON YOUR side you dumb f*cks, he marched with King WHEN HE WAS A 20 YEAR OLD FFS. here is the actual quote. You morons love eating your own.

The US wrote in a loophole against slavery by saying that one could be enslaved if they were tried and found guilty and court and then white people immediately looked for ways to arrest, try and convict Black people. That has not changed.

zero cases of a prosecutor winning a murder or manslaughter conviction in the case of an on-duty police shooting

And an act of terrorism now that he has inspired multiple acts of terrorism around the country.

I feel like you should just save this post, and republish it every couple of years when white americans “once again” discover white supremacy.

Voting for Trump was a hate crime.

53% of white women

Absolutely. But there is an increase in violence leading up to the election (which is what happened in the Jim Crow days). And it will only get worse with conservatives in power. This is what they want. 

Imagine if we actually took that advice? Blacks, browns, LGBT, Jews, etc. Imagine the response from conservatives if we did openly arm ourselves and questioned any white person we suspected of foul intentions...