
All these colors and ya’ll chose white?

You realize that in a world with no regulation we would need to spend pretty much all of our time researching products to purchase or invest in? Individually doing the same work of the regulatory agencies we created to solve these problems in the first place. Without ANY regulation most providers would simply lie

How is it reasonable? Are you afraid the sound of the knocking will somehow cause lethal tinnitus? If you’re in this situation what are you afraid the biker is going to do?

Knocking on someone’s window is not deadly force nor is standing around in motorcycle gear. The fact that 56 people (as of this posting) seem to agree with you is horrifying but this is ‘Merica so feel free to shoot your way out of these comments.

When gas prices were high I’m sure they justified increasing rates because fewer drivers on the road meant lower revenue from premiums.

That went much better than expected.

All you need to know about why pod racing works in the movie is right here. [WARNING: Link is to TV Tropes]

US Law enforcement priorities:

In terms of the scale of kinetic energy involved, if Musk and Bezos were playing a game of HORSE Bezos would make a basket from the freethrow line and Musk would follow it with a basket made from the full-court line of a basketball court 9 basketball court lengths away from the basket.

Second, surely, or is Blue Origin’s landing last month disqualified because we don’t like Jeff Bezos but like Elon Musk?

Not like they were even in the same competition but after seeing Bezos’s tweet ... I’ll just leave this here.

In 1st world countries people working at a service shop are required to pass certifications they must keep maintained so there is a reasonable assumption that work performed at a shop is done correctly. Contrast this with the US where no real industry standards exists, a shop might have extensively trained staff or it

People try stuff like this in other industries all of the time

*massive crash*
♫♩♬♫ Come on and take a free ride (free ride) yea yea yea yea!! ♩♫♬♫

The market for human drivers insurance will likely shrink as more autonomous cars come online. While payouts might decrease, premiums will have to increase to provide the same level of coverage.

Lobbying won’t be necessary, the insurance rates for human drivers will shoot through the roof once autonomous cars hit parity. Many people will simply be priced out

I don’t know, I registered to vote just so I could nominate Bernie.

Hey, man. That was my impression based on research. That’s why I asked the question.

Why do you say that SpaceX has skipped the baby steps? They’ve demonstrated the capability to do more than Blue Origin has several times already. The ocean water test landings also placed useful payloads into orbit. Just because those stages were not recovered doesn’t mean the tests failed.