
it was dead when i bought it officer.....

Have avocados overtaken almonds in the trendy to feel guilty eating it stakes?

The headline is a bit misleading. You should definitely experience living on your own in between living with roommates and living with a significant other.

What they really need is a border collie

Are those two both Zagatos? What, a DB4 convertible and a hard-top 550?

A couple of issues.

To be fair, a lot of Chinese things built without a set of Western-sourced blueprints look “Extremely Shoddy Up Close”.

Seems to me they euthanized the wrong goddamn animal >:(

No helmet, tank, shorts, portrait mode. God damn. We got a winner

We really need to overhaul the entire justice system - not just our police forces - all of it. Our training, our hiring practices, psych evaluations, the policing culture, everything from the bottom up.

Get some chickens. The feral chickens in my yard are annoying (especially the roosters on the morning), but they eat roaches and centipedes.

I can not STAND house centipedes. I used to live in my Mom’s basement and I literally had to turn on metal music in order to get pumped enough to kill one. They grow like CRAZY to. One time I saw one that was legit as large as my palm. UGH I JUST CREEPED MYSELF OUT ALL OVER AGAIN.

We can laugh at these scientists now, but one day their studies will save us all...

Because nobody will ever come close to Batmanuel.

A great place to get a working motor for a project like this is to tear apart a cheap hair dryer.

Golf might be more interesting with Roid Rage.