
It’s another facebook video which NEVER work on here. You would think the writers would wise up and start providing links to the video in their posts.

it’s there, buried under 5 scrolls of snow... (nah, i can’t find it either)....

You’re not alone, I’ve got a whole lotta nothin’ in this article.

Don’t call it “Jonas.” You’re just enabling the Weather Channel’s stupid bullshit.

Also, right at the beginning of the chase, the cop passed the first truck while going up a rise. It was a short rise, but given perfect timing, there _could_ have been an oncoming vehicle hiding behind it.

Bethany Franklin is a blithering moron .

There should be a special state law that says if you make a delivery guy deliver without tipping him in the middle of a storm, he should legally be able to throw you down the stairs. The higher up you live, the more steps he gets to use.

I am really enjoying all the weeping this human skidmark is doing.

Apologies for the footnote to a reply to a reply, but did you see those placards with “Je suis Charlie, Je suis Juif, Je suis Policier”? Intentional or not, that looked like breathtaking antisemitism to me. How DARE anyone unilaterally equate another group with policiers?! I promise I don’t say this flippantly at all:

No, no sarcasm intended (and do I appreciate the lack of any in the response). A day job (press cuttings agencies actually still exist here!) reading ALL the French, German, Italian press every day made it hard to avoid the conclusion — hardly a unique insight anyway — that multiple murder on one particular continent

Daaaamn, did not understand the scale until the last picture.

especially when someone dresses up like a period.

You should have seen the formations over Saudi Arabia....looked like every friggin plane in the world.

I was looking for someone who’s super fun to take to a party.

Two Corinthians One Trump is the next viral video.

Exactly! The correct response - if you’re white - to “Black lives matter” is to say “Yes. Yes, they do” not “BUT WHAT ABOUT ME?!?”

I have a theory that Leonardo DiCaprio doesn’t actually have sex with the huge number of women he brings back to his room, he just really likes board games.