Vassago Gamori

Truth is a well-known pathological liar. It invariably turns out to be Fiction wearing a fancy frock. Self-proclaimed Fiction, on the other hand, is entirely honest. You can tell this, because it comes right out and says, "I'm a Liar," right there on the dust jacket…

Mugwumps of Interzone are weary of being used and are not feeling so generous anymore…

Maybe Booster Gold is just too darn happy to hang with that glum gang.

i was sure some other commenter would have mentioned…the "things", and the possible numbers involved with those things…


Swine…Humanity's closest cousins…along with the shark.

We Built This Shitty….

Should you acquire that parcel for house; building a geodesic dome that looks like terrapin, tortoise or turtle skews unlikely?

Best not to search.

Are you my mother?

…keepin' it real in a Sunny D world.

Oh Bob, you and your hedgehog-kebabs…;-)

…a gal named Lana Straw sheds a brave tear.

…there seems a multiplicity of errored response.

He lit the cigarette and smoked it down to the filter in one breath. He silently thanked the cigarette company for being thoughtful enough about his health to include a filter to protect him. So he lit up another. This time he didn't exhale the squeaky-clean filtered smoke, but just let it nestle in his lungs, filing

Yes, yes, and yes.

The lines between Alan Thicke's balls to this very moment are blurred indeed…

…I'm so hungry, I could eat a vagon vheel!

Through the darkness of futures passed,
The Magician longs to see.
One chants out between two worlds.
Fire Walk with me…

…would like to hear Julee Cruise sing the song.