Vassago Gamori

Mr. Bungle for president !

Even more hilarious.

"My name is Legion, for we are many…"

He was more of a nusiance,
a lil rapscallion,
just hype that rhyme.

Be sure to keep the recipe safe if you're prone to leaving that cake outside during inclement weather conditions, such as rain.

To Boddah

So, Gus Van can't sea the forest for the trees ?

That coyote's really a crazy clown.
When will he learn he never can mow him down?
Poor little Road Runner never bothers anyone;
just runnin' down the road's his idea of having fun.

…and if the elevator tries to bring you down?

Muddle of Pudd

Heavy is the head that wears the Royal Crown cola.

…All of a sudden, I found myself in love with the world
So there was only one thing that I could do:
was ding a ding dang my dang a long ling long
ding dang a dong bong bing bong…

Woman in Chapter 1 was Lilith.

"Get Right…with Metamucil" by Jimmy Shit World

The AV Clubbing Baby Seals

…Just a humble subset of the larger Gay for Gorillas society.

Aren't humans unquestionably the biggest assholes in the animal kingdom ?

—accumulatory auditory vomitorium—
…regurgitated P…
PALLBEARER: Sorrow and Extinction, foundations of burden
PAUL KRASSNER: We have ways of making you laugh
PASSENGERS: Original Soundtracks 1
PECCATUM: Lost in Reverie
PELICAN: Pelican, Australasia, The Fire in our Throats Will

I'm still waiting for The Further Adventures of Pluto Nash.

Turgid is the burgeoning turd sturgeon of love beating in inky hearts…