Vassago Gamori

Do you do elevator work?

Hmm, not a peep.

You gets paid for farty fart farting in the room ?

I like a well farted craft joke.

Ah yes, the sweet sweet smell of success…

Get a room bum-chums.

As from the forge of creation, so are the comical conjurings of our foul bowels; olfactory auditory abominations of asstounding variations, reflecting the sonic stink spectrum of humanity.
In those most dire circumstances, the funny fart can disappear, when these farts that shall not be named—the thick farts that can

Bum-chums for Trump rump dumps…

Love is like a fart.
You never know what you had until it's gone.

All statements are true in some sense, false in some sense, meaningless in some sense, true and false in some sense, true and meaningless in some sense, false and meaningless in some sense, and true and false and meaningless in some sense…;-)

…by a Kane.

…just like everybody else..;-)

Relative privation fallacy…;-)

Who will win the Zika baby shotput ?


…yet getting your balls twisted about in the derailleur gears and mangled amongst the sprockets is even more fun than it sounds.

…awwww, now get a fuckin' room yah bum-chums.

…thinking Patty Jenkins may not be prone to leering camera syndrome.

The Pussy Generation by CLInt Eastwood

…and in that same world Jared Leto can also apparently rape underage "groupies" with zero consequences.