Vassago Gamori

This sand is making me THIRSTY !

I agree. At this point, picking on the guy for doing what his boss told him to do is well past played out, and reflects more on audience pathologies than any relevant fresh critique possible on jobs he did over a decade ago.

I thought that was going to happen too.
Anyone recall where the Mandalorian army rumor originated from ?

I hope someday they do a special edition improvement of the prequels.
All that's required is rewriting dialogue and masterful dubbing.

Wouldn't it be weird if after people die they relive the last minute of life for eternity ?

Sith, Jedi, or Gray ? Search your feelings….

They should. Let him play an alien or someone with a cool helmet and give him better dialogue. Be a kind gesture.

It's best to rewrite it in your head so that Anakin had been force puppet mind-raping Padme all along. So then all that cringeworthy stuff turns into an insecure sociopath with no realistic concepts of love putting Leia's Mom through years of horrific psychological emotional abuse, to escape, to be free, she finds new

Hell YES..;-)

Would love to see some of Jodorowsky's comics turned into films or mini-series.

Waiting for Godot… on Ice !

It would be very great. Please feel free to riff more on the concept. Fun to read.

You're thinking of Brighter Days and Girard…

Thinkin' 'bout musics: seems to me The Theory of Everything [& other Ayreon albums], Blood Mountain & Crack the Skye, Operation:Mindcrime, The Key, Still Life & My Arms,Your Hearse, and De-Loused in the Comatorium could all be transmogrified into trippy films and/or graphic novels.

…that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

…Now there's a name I've not heard in a long, long time. A long time.

Except Louis Cypher.

Global Frequency, Planetary, Transmetropolitan, Nextwave television shows, scattered across HBO, AMC, Netflix with Ellis as benevolent dictator of tone & vision.

Thanks for clarifying. I was lost in a sea of Kirby dreams…

But do any of them full-on actually replicate the look of Kirby's art ?