Matt Vallee

Also, just found out they de-aged Susie so she’s the same age as Chuckie rather than Angelica.

The second Sonic movie will also feature a beeping radar sound in every scene where Knuckles is searching for the emerald. 

I cannot wait for this technology to improve. It is my most anticipated technological advancement, because to me it feels like the gateway to what is essentially telepathy. Yeah it uses computers to assist but eventually we may not need direct implants and you’ll be able to communicate directly with multiple devices.

It’s fine, comics sometimes have little to no continuity so they’re just being true to that medium.

I hope the Psych character on Flash doesn’t last very long. Only because every time I see it I have brief moment of hopeful joy imagining Shawn and Gus meeting the actual Flash right before reality crushes it.

I hope the Psych character on Flash doesn’t last very long. Only because every time I see it I have brief moment of hopeful joy imagining Shawn and Gus meeting the actual Flash right before reality crushes it.

The story is said to follow “a father (Diesel) and son who form an unlikely bond with an advanced war machine.”

Since it’s so close to release now, I’ll just remind everyone: the number in the Nier Replicant subtitle is actually the square root of 1.5.

Damn I guess I have an evil twin who wrote all these positive smartwatch reviews this past year. Here I was thinking I rarely write overtly negative reviews.

To be fair, canonically SFV takes place before SFIII, so maybe he hasn’t developed the confidence to free ball yet?

Capcom more like COWARDCOM.


Yeah the Nintendo IP lawyers have Kotaku bookmarked, otherwise they’d never know.

Some moron leaves this comment under all these posts. They’re advertising it on Twitter and it’s already gone semi-viral. Everybody involved knows what’s going to happen. Do you think Nintendo doesn’t use Twitter?

Loki wearing that power-neutralizer collar (I’m assuming that that’s what it is) makes me wonder about whether the MCU is ever going to get into how they’re supposed to work at all, especially with someone like Wanda Maximoff (she’s wearing one at the end of Captain America: Civil War) or, you know, an actual god. How

This game has really tripled down on the same vibe that Astral Chain had. I’m definitely interested.

Everytime I see footage from this movie I get excited. But then the director starts talking and I can’t help shaking my head. He’s always trying to sell this as some serious, deep story. Dude, this is Mortal Kombat. With a K. It’s not “tasteful”, it’s not a novel, it’s not a deep treatise on the concept of “blood” and

People forget that you’re paid for your opinion and that you’re just speaking your truth.”

I do hope that this doesn’t dissuade them from Mass Effect multiplayer in the future. Tying it in to the single-player GR rating in 3 was dumb, but beyond that the multiplayer was one of the best aspects of that game. And while I have yet to touch Andromeda, my understanding is the multiplayer kept going strong there.