Matt Vallee

It baffles me that I keep encountering the idea that this woman is somehow the underdog or even a hero after this moment of colossal and self-inflicted fuckery.

If you really have to be told not to put an industrial strength adhesive in your hair you shouldn’t be left alone with a glass of water.

We all make mistakes. But suing over this is basically what is wrong with America. The warning label says skin. And while skin is not hair, you scalp is both skin and hair. Every mistake everyone makes is not someone else's fault.

I’d be down for a series about an adult Harry Potter that’s struggling with his divorce from Ginny (and borderline alcoholism) while wrecking shop as a “working outside the lines” Auror.

While I have my problem with Germain’s review, I have to point ou that it doesn’t matter whether or not the movie was intended to have a metaphor for women’s right in there. If you can interpret the movie as one, and you can defend your interpretation using textual evidences and a solid theoretical framework, then

I’ll kill a man for new Strikers. My high school graduating class got extremely competitive about the Gamecube game and people would play it every day at lunch. It was awesome. Bring it back!

All the EVE Online posts are basically missives from the front. I’m not interested in playing the game, but they are very interesting to read.

Simple rules for spoilers:

15 mentions of The Witcher, which yeah the same dev team made them, but the obvious comparison that I feel like a LOT of people are going to be making because of how, is how does it stack up to Fallout (let’s just go with 4, ignoring the writing aspect, the game systems were more complex than 3/NV

You’ve been able to reacquire shaders for two years, since Forsaken introduced Collections. Have you really not played in two years? That’s not snark, I’m genuinely curious! You’ve missed SO MUCH, almost all of which has now been vaulted...curious to hear what a very lapsed player thinks of...everything.

Nope. More likely, if legal action is taken, Microsoft will just quietly lock this down in a firmware update or something. Whether they could win if they fought doesn’t matter if the answer to ‘would they fight’ is ‘no’.

What you’re talking about is hinted at the end of book 8.

Why do people keep saying this? WB had David Ayer write the Suicide Squad Script in six weeks. It’s been three months since Chadwick’s death and it’s eight months until the film is set to start shooting. How is that not enough time for a new script?

I don’t understand how people have the bandwidth to care about this shit. No one is gonna make you wear a dress, or date men who wear dresses. If you wanna be a “manly man” whatever that means, you can. No one’s stopping you. If you wanna date “manly men,” no one’s stopping you. Why can’t we all just let people do

Came here to say this.

Well, when I’m looking for ‘manly men’, the cover of Vogue is definitely my first choice.

You own it for the duration of your subscription only.

You missed “spend all day reseting the Walmart purchase page” as a tip. 

So you’re saying it’s another fucking Palpatine?

I just wanted to drop in and say that I think your new newsletter popups have finally broken my compulsion to use this site (and the other gawker sites). So, thanks, in a way.