Matt Vallee

Jason if you could quit delaying or cancelling games this year that’d be great, thanks.

But when Morbius’ friend Loxias Crown (Matt Smith) goes through a similar transformation and resolves to use his powers to wreak havoc, Morbius realizes that monster or not, he’s the one person capable of saving the people he loves and, perhaps, the world.

“oh no no no no no no”

Yeah Fox, let’s bring back Firefly, but only if you show the episodes out of order, give it a shit time slot, provide zero marketing and eventually pull the plug on it because deep down inside you actually hate the show from day one. Let’s do that again.

Firefly: The Next Generation would be interesting. Bring back Zoe with her fifteen year old daughter (oh god it’s been fifteen years since Serenity). Get some new faces in there, too. It won’t be the same, but it might still be good.

Have they considered rebooting it with the same name, totally different actors, and a different showrunner with a new vision of the whole thing? And then having a big ugly spat with that showrunner and firing him or her (but calling it “creative differences” instead offiring”) and then getting another showrunner

Weird, it’s almost like it actually takes them time to put them in. 

YMMV, but I liked it because it was framed as a very ordinary act, presented mundanely. I thought that’s what we were aiming for with representation.

Bro I think the new season pass shit is a rip-off too but I am fully aware that I can't do sundial or the saint 14 stuff nor this exotic quest without buying the current season. That's been advertised since shadowkeep was current. You not getting jack if you don't pay besides some crap to try to entice you to buying

If they talk in person they can’t turn down the volume on Shaxx.

They absolutely definitely said “please don’t say Switch.” Plus, if you’re hosting a presentation for a company, you don’t “call them out” on anything unless you never want to do this sort of work again.

Why on earth would she call them out when she was hired to host the event?

A Nintendo Switch that plays my Steam, Humble, and GOG libraries would maybe be my favorite thing.

Like the entire article is sarcasm

Making money

You also missed an opportunity...

Missed opportunity that the “s” in “penis” isn’t this one:

I think the gun wall is there to cover for the very high likelihood of the house gaining sentience and turning on its owners.

So when are we getting a buddy cop movie of Henry Cavill’s Geralt and Tom Hardy’s Mad Max? The script is only going to have about 2 pages of dialogue.

He really does convey a lot with few words, which for me really sells Geralt. I absolutely love his "Hmm" almost as much as his "Fuck".