Matt Vallee

While I’m bummed that there are no mechs in this, the near-superpowers of Titanfall pilots could make for a fun BR game.  It’s not usually my style but I’ll give this a shot.

Wargroove is first on the list for me. Downloaded it this morning and can’t wait to play it tonight. Some Destiny 2 sprinkled in there as well I’m sure.

I started playing Iconoclasts a few days ago but I’m not sure if I’m going to stick with it. It seems ... fine? Resident Evil 2 is certainly happening though.

Wargroove!  In only another week!!!

I’m going to pick it up too. I’ve really enjoyed RE 1, 4, and 7. Hard to believe I’ve never played 2.

Ben Brode is just a giant ball of fun.  Good luck to him and the Second Dinner team!

Smash and Destiny 2. Iron Banner combined with triple valor is a winning formula for me.

I had the exact same experience.  I played Munchkin Deluxe once and only once.  What a nightmare.

I had the exact same experience.  I played Munchkin Deluxe once and only once.  What a nightmare.

Damn, you’ve been at Kotaku for as long as I’ve been at my current job.  I’ve always enjoyed reading your stuff no matter how serious or lighthearted it is.  Good luck in your next adventure!

And, uh, I wouldn’t mind seeing some 16-bit versions of these, too, if you catch my drift.

Rathaloses? Rathali?

Aaero is getting a complete edition?  Highly recommended to rhythm fans and electronic music fans.  Really neat little game.

Potentially stupid question — does this exclusivity extend to consoles? I’ve enjoyed all of Supergiant’s games on PS/Xbox and was really looking forward to Hades.  I hope I don’t have to wait a year and a half.

This franchise is so much damn fun.  My money’s on Far Cry Apocalypse.

Sounds like we need a new strike modifier of Bigboi

Damn, another whole new raid and I still haven’t tried Last Wish.  I wonder if the rumors of that new “banned” weapon tier are true -- weapons that are crazy powerful but won’t be allowed in PvP activities.

I’m right there with you.  I was surprised at how much I enjoyed 1 and 2 but the complete lack of marketing and hype for 3 has me cautious.  I’ll play this game at some point but not immediately at full price.

Excellent work as always Jason.  I tend to follow gaming sites more than I do specific writers but you are someone I always look forward to reading.

I went on a vacation to Utah last month and it was *incredible*. Even if you don’t hike various national parks, which you totally should, just being around them and driving through them is breathtaking.  It’s like being on Mars.

This was a solid, enjoyable movie.  The alien invasion deal was a subtle detail to not only keep you guessing but make sure you looked around each scene for potential clues.