Matt Vallee

You doing alright?

Stance shifts are way too badass to not use.  Glad you’ve seen the light.

Eh, the game’s been out for four months.  You can’t expect spoiler protection to go on infinitely.

I saw this movie for the first time recently and it is *wonderful*

Also, all cinnamon candy is shitty.

First game was great.  Severed, Drinkbox’s next game, was even better.  Really happy to see this review!

Hearthstone hooked me back in something fierce with the latest expansion. Definitely going to spend some time there.  Other than that, some Wizard of Legend (so close to finishing it) and Mario Tennis.  Don’t want to buy anything else new until Guacamelee 2 drops on Tuesday.

Tyrod Taylor is the Garry Gergich of the NFL

The release date of Far From Home made me realize so much is going to happen in the MCU in a relatively short period of time. Captain Marvel drops in March with Far From Home in July. Avengers 4 will obviously be somewhere in the middle. In a four month span, we’ll meet one of the most powerful heroes we’ve yet to

Welcome back!  We missed you.

I hope to finish Wizard of Legend this weekend so I can start The Banner Saga 3.  Might squeeze in a little Overwatch and try to finish the last few boss fights in Hollow Knight as well.

I’m so happy to see this positive review. I played the first game on a whim and it really grabbed me. Was chomping at the bit for the second and loved it.  This series really has the best cross-game decisions I’ve seen.  Can’t wait to start the final chapter.

Interesting article. I doubt I would have changed my school choice back when I went to college based on whether they had esports teams or not, but competing for my school would have been pretty awesome.

This was horrible to sit through. He clearly didn’t care about “this event” and “being here” since he didn’t mention Overwatch, OWL, or Blizzard once during his whole set. He cut the music down to zero volume about a dozen times expecting the crowd to sing along. Everytime a song was about to hit the good part, he

I’m a big NYXL fan and it was pretty clear that they looked lost last night. It took a while for them to shake the rust off on the first map, which is to be expected after such a long layoff. That first map, Dorado, was close but Oasis and Eichenwalde really weren’t. I don’t know what you can point to with simple “fix

That’s a shame.  I’ve come to really enjoy the type of articles Compete had put out.  Hopefully it continues and best of luck to you two in the future.

Name all the GOATs

Diablo II has been on my forever list since it released. My windows between relapses have grown longer as time has gone on but I know my next visit is out there.  A friend sent me a screenshot of him playing just last night actually.  Maybe I’ll fire it up tonight...

A couple of adds for me:

I was hoping for some Metroid Prime 4 news, literally anything other than the static image we got last year. Oh well.