Matt Vallee

No Brigitte yet. Not until stage 4.

All of the Far Cry games I’ve played — 3, Blood Dragon, 4, Primal, and 5 — have fallen into the “gorgeous romp in a sandbox” category. The big bad guy is terrorizing a group of people that need your help. Use all of this ridiculous firepower as you become nearly superpowered to defeat him. It just works for me.

I always find the UI/HUD/menus of Far Cry games to be pretty fantastic. Just like you said in the opening — Ubisoft does a great job of conveying a ton of info all at once without cluttering things up.

The first time I commandeered a pickup after unlocking Boomer, I was sad to see him running alongside it instead of hopping in the back. Who doesn’t wanna drive around with your good boy in the back of the truck? Making things worse is the fact that human companions, or at least Grace since she’s the only other one

This article was great and I like the idea of simple game diary posts. More, please.

Me, for one. After reading this I think I’ll skip SoT. Thanks, Fahey!

First the HD Collection, then Dante in MH:W. My DMC5 senses are tingling.

I don’t think this has anything to do with guts or racism or anything like that. After watching all the nominees, I felt comfortable saying that Three Billboards, Dunkirk, and The Shape of Water were in the top tier with Get Out in the second tier. Get Out is a great movie that I’ve seen twice now, but the other three

This is really great to hear. I’ve been thinking about getting MH:W and I know I’ll end up playing most of it solo.

Death of Superman

Every movie is a Cloverfield movie and every ad is a Tide ad. Case closed.

This is the only way I like to play FIFA. Bringing Northampton Town from League Two to the Championship and Millwall from League One to a top four EPL finish is what it’s all about.

Playing with obscure teams is the best. It’s not quite the same level of dedication but back in FIFA14, two friends and I picked a random League Two team, Northampton Town, with the goal of bringing them to the Premier League. We played through five or six full seasons with that team and eventually got up to the

I love this show. Everyone who I’ve persuaded to watch this show comes back saying they love it. It’s so different and keeps changing with every episode.

Crypt of the NecroDancer is so weird, unique, and cool. I loved it so much on PS4 I just may buy it again.

Dennis Young, my man.

It is! I found it last night. Very cool.

Blizzard will announce a new Diablo

Not every movie needs to have an ulterior message

The ending of Nier: Automata is something I’ll never forget.