Matt Vallee

All jokes aside, I’d be down for Valley of the Sun or Continental Drift.

I’ve learned about both Rugby and Cycling this week. Thanks, Deadspin!

Because games.

Alternating runs of Nex Machina and Overwatch for me.

A bit of an aside, but the Compete sub-site has been great so far. I’m not a big eSports guy in part because I find it hard to keep up with the weekly tournaments in the dozens of high profile games. Articles like this help pick out the big/cool/notable moments. Keep em coming!

I love that you guys do partial transcripts for interviews and videos. Please continue to do so!

but I’m one of those rare people who actually enjoyed the wiimote motion controls for aiming and looking around in Prime 3.

Metroid Prime 3 is still, hands down, the best usage of the Wii’s controllers. Each of the Prime games is wonderful and this announcement has me hyped to levels I didn’t know existed!

Watching everyone pick him up to do it properly was fantastic.

My first takeaway is that Striker is now a “timed” super like Gunslinger and the three new ones instead of the one-shot ability it used to be. Are all supers going to be that way now?

Why does anyone continue to give a flying fuck what Curt Schilling has to say?

Nice! I played for the first time during the PS4 stress test a few weeks ago. Looking forward to getting back in.

Ascendant Hive be damned. Becoming one with your inner punchbro is the true end for a Guardian.

For Honor, a race to see who can ring out their opponent first and start emote-dancing, ...

Aaero, Nier Automata, and Flinthook will all get some run. Not necessarily in that order.

A game with a track by Flux Pavilion? I’m down.

I feel bad for my poor F5 key right now.

I’m all about this! I love when people find a way to make underpowered characters/builds/skills effective. I usually find it more fun than trying to be competent with the top tier things that everyone else is using.

I’m far from a coffee snob, but taking in a deep whiff at the coffee aisle of the grocery store is heavenly. How did that not make the cut? It’s undoubtedly better than getting your nipples torched off.

The home run derby would be a bloodbath