Matt Vallee


No one has lived to tell the tale.

I plan on pushing everyone off of every ledge I can find in For Honor.

I came here from Kotaku and learned so much more about headlights than I expected to.

You just opened my eyes to a whole new world.

Ring outs are becoming my favorite part of For Honor. It feels great to do it to someone else and I feel like such a jackass when it happens to me.

She’s the only character I can remember letting die and moving on from. I got sick of her, she died in a battle, I didn’t reload my save, everyone (me) is happier.

In my first and only session with The Elder Scrolls Online, my friend and I had just got to the first town. I cast a spell in town at my friend who was fiddling with menus and managed to hit a guard. The guard rushed over and asked me to pay a fee that I couldn’t pay because my fresh character had a grand total of 0

Hopefully some more of the For Honor beta, assuming the servers can handle it. Vikings unite!

Finished Resident Evil 7 this morning and just started Fire Emblem Heroes. Season with Overwatch to taste.

The one true car.

I typically go with a simple “ma”. My sisters will sometimes call her by her first name which bugs the hell out of me.

Overwatch, as usual, and I’m finally getting around to playing Shovel Knight: Plague of Shadows. I’m about 1:30 in and love it.

As someone who enjoys learning about different mechanics and decisions on top of playing games, I’m really loving this weekly post. Keep it up!

Captain Dadbod himself

After loving 1080, Rippin Riders, SSX, and Coolboarders in the past, this looks like a no brainer. Open beta here I come!

The new host has gotta be Theresa, right? Ford is replacing execs who get too close with host versions that will subtly steer the board/Delos into listening to him for longer.

As a Titans fan, I will absolutely remember Andre Johnson. Not because he was on the team for half a season, but because he torched us twice a year for the better part of a decade. Dude was an absolute monster.

We’ve seen that Valyrian steel can be reworked, as Ned’s sword was melted down to form Jaime’s sword that he gave to Brienne a few seasons ago. So, I’d say yes.