VajazzleMcDildertits - read carefully, respond politely

your taking this hole grammar thing two seriously

You should ask your dock if there is something wrong with you.

Kids want to show off their knowledge to their piers.

Oh I 100% don’t regret buying it. I play the hell out of Tetris 99 and Mario Kart. I need to get my game library up. Maybe I’ll buy Fire Emblem if you say it’s solid

Right there with ya. Bought mine the 12th on the way back from a business trip. It is what it is, I suppose...

Of all the cars that gets next to me, the Ssangyong Rodius tops the list. Just look at this thing.

if it shipped past july 17th, you might be able to get a replacement.

So contact customer service. Worst they can say is no!

Update: they made an exception for me, because the delivery date was the 19th. Not sure if thats a "your milage may vary" thing. Either way, Im pretty happy

I dunno, owning a fighter jet like that seems like it would be approaching an unsafe area of some sort. A zone of danger, if you will.

Exactly, that’s what fireplaces are for.

We’ve replicated the myth, now we replicate the results. How big does a blunt need to be to kill a human at 200 MPH? 

I see a lot of commenters on here buying slow cars on purpose, for one reason or another.

Often they’re more fun to drive at 6/10ths or a little faster than the average person prefers to drive.

They’re not suggesting that THC is to blame, they’re suggesting that they’re using THC oils improperly, leading to these issues.

Jalopnik averages somewhere around 10-11 million readers a month. A good chunk of them are enthusiasts, and those tend to be the folks that comment the most. But we have a large portion of readers who get these articles via newsfeeds, Facebook, etc... that aren’t “car people.

Is anyone reading this site or posting “your average buyer”?

This. The new vette ruins the market for a bunch of these low end of the upper tier performance cars (GT-R, NSX, R8). You can get a 10-15 year old supercar with all of the maintenance and cost headaches, or you can go get a new car with a warranty with as good or better performance.

No, if such a car existed we’dve read some coverage about it by now.