VajazzleMcDildertits - read carefully, respond politely

the obnoxious equivalent of someone poking your stomach while you’re stretching

It was exactly this. He loved the LFA as a “non-supercar” supercar, but DD’ing a half-million dollar car was more headache than he wanted. He’s not a bubble-collector, he likes cars he can drive without worrying too much about ‘em.

It’d be interesting if there were also penalties for too much wanton/accidental destruction. Every time you do the superhero-punch-landing and it wasn’t for the purposes of taking out a bunch of goons, you get a bill from Metro City Public Works for concrete repair.

With Johnson and Statham’s bald heads, the movie is much more enjoyable if you pretend that Idris’ super soldier is fighting two genetically-modified, sentient testicles.

The year. 

This is the sort of anxiety I feel in almost any game I play that lets me choose character dialogue or otherwise influence the narrative by imposing my perspective, morals and ideals.

I’m replaying Kotor II right now and I’m constantly bumping up against that impulse; I strive for naturalistic in-the-moment decisions,

I’d consider it a supercar, albeit a bad one. I don’t think the V6 disqualifies it, but it certainly is a drawback in an otherwise exotic car.

Oh, I totally ordered a lil’ case yesterday in hopes that it still has the stag logo. It’s definitely going to be a weird collectors’ item.

Gotta love the immense self-own of posting a letter instructing you that a) ya gotta pay up now and b) you’ve also got an outstanding invoice, so you should’ve paid up yesterday, too.

So here’s my Perot story:

“He said, ‘Ross, the problem is, some accountant at General Motors is probably saving 3 cents a gasket.’”

This is the most correct answer. Frequent updates that you control as a parent, since the kid has no concept of 60 seconds.
Any time you do “X more times”, well all of a sudden it takes the kid 10 minutes to climb up the steps or jump in the pool. They’re too smart for that.

Not sure what compelled the citation of the V8 Chevy SS or Scat Pack Dodge as rivals,

One star for username, and one star for the correct take.

Yes and no. You’re right that the super fast versions are very expensive, as is the case with every other comparable car, but the lower-tier ones aren’t exactly slow either.

Print is dying I’m good