VajazzleMcDildertits - read carefully, respond politely

Coming up next, on Mythbusters... is THC a killer at 200 mph?

I see a lot of commenters on here buying slow cars on purpose, for one reason or another. Even car enthusiasts have reasons to not buy the fastest thing. 

all I hear now is

I read the whole thing so I don’t mean to sound flippant, but yeah.

Now playing

I loved Grandia 2, got it release date on the Dreamcast and completed nearly 100% in a week.

Mike, I’m certain if you shill for them SanDisk will probably give you one of these for free. I hear the Switch can take up to 2TB theoretically.

I’ve had the good fortune to test drive the LC500 for a little while. The ride is a bit harsh for a GT car but the engine makes good sounds and the transmission is good for a slush. The interior is nice, but not exactly bespoke.

Holy shit! I thought I was the only one! ... is there a support group? 

Like clockwork, for most of the 2000's, I got a speeding ticket a year, like an anniversary. That finally stopped after I got married, but had more to do with not living near speeding cameras, and not racing around after dark. 

Ive bought new manuals in the past too, just not this one.

I can anecdotally back this up. I bought my C7 at a pretty darn good price, because it was a M7 used and couldn’t find a buyer in my neck of the woods.

My wife fell in love with her aging Samsung Galaxy Note Pro 12.1 table from several years back and there’s been no direct replacement.

Yeah as a habitual story/xp style completionist those branching choices often have me going back and reloading some choices again and save jumping around. Youtube has made that a bit easier by spoiling those without having to play, but I don’t really feel in control of those choices if I feel like I want to see the

Looking at the tech specs it says this new battery version will be available during mid August, with the Lite dropping after that.

I mean, I’m skeptical myself, hence the question mark. But if it does come out this year, I’m going to feel a bit hornswoggled, since my Switch purchase was pretty recent.

Coming up next, “Will turning the heater on in your car launch cruise missiles from several Navy ships?”

I bought a switch thinking that BeefySwitch (the more powerful one) was a year away.

I think directing shame at people should be reserved for the people who are intentionally hurting others.

I remember Sakura Taisen 3 coming out on the JPN Dreamcast and loving the intro so much that I went back and watched the anime too.

Been listening to James May’s mother, I see