
This is a black focused website mate. It’s like reading an article on Jezebel and not expect it to be about the she-gal man haters and fairly biased towards the female issues and how men are the worst.

people return junk with fake receipts all the time, or receipts from other stores, or with partial reciepts that are missing numbers and stuff.

I’m going to give the next season a go.  I agree with you but I am just hoping they just picked a real bad place to end the season.

You’re missing out then.

Most of the DC comics stuff is excellent. Doom Patrol is damn good, I never watched Young Justice until they revived the series and now I understand why so many were upset about the shift from it to teen titans. Titans, meh, don’t care for it but it does link to Doom Patrol, which is good.

You’re doing gods work my friend.  Fudge Slide shows.

and the other half holiday

or because they were told to and it’s their job.  The people destroying documents probably have no idea what they are getting rid of.

This, I finally checked out one of these assholes online streaming themselves buying the consoles. They have multiple browsers open, multiple devices, everything pre-loaded, and I’m like, fuck you.

It could be considered grand theft, the dealership could lose it’s license from Chevy, Honestly, the police could probably take this tape and start arresting folk as well get a warrant.  

Sure, they’ve added a ton of reskinned enemies...

Wheel of Time series mate.  They had to get someone else to finish it also.  

Don’t use razer hardware.

It was part of the plan so they could successfully back out of the arrangement. The gov was not part of the original deal and when they came in they did not like it at all. People keep talking about RI giving them all this money but they didn’t.

Well the government didn’t give him the 75 million, they screwed him on the deal, he went broke trying to keep it going.  So yeah, in this sitch, I can see why he would think the government is evil.

I’m not one to defend Schilling, but he went broke. He put all his money into it and when the Loans that were supposed to come in didn’t he was paying people out of his own pocket (If I recall).

I don’t think it’s completely on them. As I understand it much of the 343 talent had been switched over to the TV Show resulting in a lot of contracting of the actual game. Whether it was a order from MS or them thinking they could do it all, it was a major flub.

It was supposed to be a launch title for the SX.  A LAUNCH TITLE.  Jeebus someone really screwed the pooch on this title.  so they planned to launch it without co-op?  in november?  

Don’t buy the game, and let them know why you aren’t buying the game. Don’t play it on game pass, and let them know why you aren’t bothering to even try it for pretty much free.

You can change your SSN number.

Can someone explain why the door would be a warning sign?