
This is nonsense. I remember seeing a documentary in the nineties about what happened to Amelia Earhart. She was kidnapped by aliens along with a bunch of other people, and taken to a planet on the other side of the galaxy. Then some other humans got lost in space and found Amelia Earhart after discovering a pickup

Is one of his neighbors Ralph Nader?

Why dislike Sidney Crosby? Because he’s a cheapshotting bitch who never stands up for himself, but runs and hides 100% of the time. He disrespects the game and his own skill when he does that.

came here for this.

Sad how soft modern hockey players have become.

I miss that show

tbh... I’d like a programmable “whack“ function

Laura, please tell me you are going to do a post on the goal that was waved off

“25.8 seconds left, the Caps have a one goal lead, and I am absolutely terrified.”

- Every Caps fan

yes! I commute to DC everyday and most the cars with DC plates are dinged.. And I can attest that VA drivers are the best

As a Florida native, I must protest everyone in this thread. The worst drivers in the US clearly live in Florida. :]

I’ll just leave this here.

For the love of God, why? I’ve been to war. There is nothing good or glorious about it. Yet Trump has to wave his dick around, which will only get a lot of good people killed. He already dropped a MOAB in the middle of a diplomatic crisis with Russia, signaling that he will go all the way up to using nuclear weapons,

Because it’s the only approved word processing software at my employer.

This was great. You know why? Because, for all of 2 minutes, I wasn’t thinking about the next four years.

I will morn the small trucks as well.

Dammit Oklahoma....

Came here to say this.

Obviously someone got an 11 killstreak.