
Oh come off it... Saying Obama spends all his time golfing might sound good to conservatives but the facts just don’t support it.

Engineers FTW!

You must park on water.

And then Grandma swoops in, buys them everything they want because “it’s my job to spoil them”, and you are back to square one.


You had me going... Took me a sec.

No, but I tried my best to give it one. To my knowledge it remains dentless.

PCH was just as beautiful in my rental Corolla.

Thanks for the sage advice. Now everyone back to lusting after brown diesel manual wagons.

Semi related question.

Heating up the connection will break the bond between the bolt and the female thread

I get where they are coming from but as an engineer I can’t help but see the majestic beauty of form meets function. I’d happily take several score of these along the coast if I knew I could tell my children this is what a future of clean energy looks like.  

That’s the same year “Ram” became a standalone brand– prior Ram trucks had been sold as Dodge models.

Here is a list of cars that are still faster than a Camaro:

Oatmeal. Rolled, Steel Cut, Instant, Scottish, I love me some oatmeal. Will you indulge me please?

Though for the safety of everyone at all future Cars and Coffee events, Ford should probably offer some kind of training for Mustang owners as well.

Fitting given your screen name.

Pumpkin Spice Cherrios are the best Hurricane provisions.

Wait, where did you get 2020; I thought I read 2018? My 2006 F150 is getting long in the tooth and the new teased Ranger / Bronco has been on my radar for 2018. Don’t crush my dreams!