
I’ll be the guy that asks that question... I know they announced exclusivity with Verizon, but are selling unlocked versions through the play store that are compatible with Fi which uses the T-Mobile and Sprint networks. Does this mean an unlocked version should work on Sprint exclusively if I wanted to go that route

Trump should have worn that blue robe in the first debate.

Yes, but what does it look like when you Porsche 911 a river in a Ford?

Reminds me of this...

149 in a C4 Vette with the hardtop off on a two lane road. Not sure who was dumber, my teenage self or my dad for giving me the keys.

We’re probably due for Rocky to come back before the end of the year.

Clearly the answer is Thunder Chicken. Every boy from the 70's dream (reality not withstanding).

Came here looking for some variation of this meme; this checks out.

America just can’t get enough Tacos!

My fist thought looking at that pick was “that would make a great UTE”

Alternatively you could do all of those things while you live in the house and enjoy the benefits a beautiful yard, and clean / calm home provide.  

With the exception of a few of the (arguably worst) films only being available as rentals

Counterpoint, change before it’s too late.

It’s from the ‘80s?

Congrats on your COTD, I called this before I saw it.

Came here for this comment specifically to give it COTD. Great minds and such...

Great, now I have a craving for crab juice.

Actually we in the geotechnical engineering community would call this a man made subsidence feature. A sinkhole is a geologic feature that opens up all sorts of insurance coverage issues. I’m done, carry on.

I found him, the Meta guy!

You just changed my whole slacking game.