
This brings new meaning to being “thrown under the bus”.

Button says there are no points for second place.

The anticipation of the upcoming puns has me amped!

Vettel thinks Ecclestone should engage any time now!

All the stars in the galaxy! May you live long and prosper.

My sister and I used to take turns riding under the back glass in my Dads C4. It’s the price you pay for your midlife crisis.

Counterpoint, 63' Riviera.

This car looks so sad :(

It would seem pretty much any park in the state of Hawaii would fall in this category. Just visited the Big Island and the Milky Way is visible from both Mauna Kea and Hawaii Volcanos National Park. Not to mention the Southern Cross peaking over the horizon. The use of sulfur and green LED lighting throughout the

Looking at #8 and #9 makes me think you’ve been binge watching TNG reruns on Netflix.

You’re on fire today.


Congrats on being awesome. Paper or plastic?

Sunbeam Tiger - American power plus British engineering. It worked for AC, so why not? I had the pleasure of driving one of these a few months ago and once I got over the fear of death from excessive HP and lack of power brakes it was an awesome experience.

I actually don’t think it’s bad but this comment should get all the stars.

Until this year I could answer any question related to Nascar. I thought They went to digital officiating? Why was the official even in the box? Not that it changes the fact that he hip checked that fender like Mario Lemieux.

Tomorrow on LH; “How to Fix a Booboo.”

Fatherhood offers the opportunity to no longer feel compelled to be cool or fashionable.

You only get a star for the “OCD disorder” bit which I suspect many people missed.

For the record, the intersection of Orange Blossom Trail and Holden Avenue is in the City of Orlando, at least 10 miles as the crow flies from Ocoee.