
unistrut/kindorf...big boys erector set.

I did this one winter...till my mother got in the car and flicked the stalk...with the wipers up. I didn’t need new wipers before but I sure as hell needed new ones after.

To clarify:

That’s why you make new friends...don’t burn a pre-existing relationship, bad enough you are going to waste a weekend.

make friends with someone who has a welder...weld a bolt on top of the E-Z Out...should be able to reverse it out.

“a” in one?...I might have a problem...

I think its a toyota thing, I see plenty of their other models with it. But camry dimple is definitely a thing.

I think this will be a mistake.

Love my elantra GT.

standby fee...

We had a dealership tack on a charge for floormats and an Ipod cable to a lease, When asked about it they dillied-dallied before giving us the reason and when asked if they can remove the charge they said it was non-refundable.

on the whole lifted truck thing:

The three lane only works if people travel at the speed limit...all it takes is one car to be doing 20MPH below and braking every 75 ft to upset traffic for hours.

for some reason there just doesn’t seem to be any pick&pull junk yards in the lower tri-state region.

Advance Auto Parts.

while we are at it, can we rise the speed tolerance for those who obey all traffic laws (signaling, spacing, not misusing the break pedal etc, etc...) except for speeding? Not fair that in a modern car I have to be held accountable for a mid-60’s era speed limit.

Unless there is a valve when you turn on the heat it will also vent through that nifty little slot.

to be fair...a BOSCH OEM O2 sensor is like $75 and 5-10 minutes of lift time

hyundai had an “accent blue” which came out to be 9ish grand out the door...I think thats a prime example...

rt. 304 in rockland.