
or you could go get a gallon or two of water and flush the toilet...

This is probably the most malaise thing you'll read today: Ford had to recall the 1978 Granada because the turn signals were the wrong shade of amber.

This is probably the most malaise thing you'll read today: Ford had to recall the 1978 Granada because the turn signals were the wrong shade of amber.

Can you put a rubber pad down and use these for your frame? veloster turbo or this? assuming this comes out with a 6spd...

I know!!! Allows patients to travel back in time...but why not just travel further back and not become a stabbing victim?

Exactly. I would use them to protect my laptop from those inconsiderate people who just go to full recline without any warning. A little flight etiquette goes a long way...

I was following on the thruway behind a flat-bed with a Mercedes GL on the back in the nor-easter we just had. anyhow the side window was open and I was just wondering how flooded that car will be when the rear hatch started opening on it's own...must have sucked to drop that one off with a straight face.

those fifth wheels really hold on till death

I feel like most of my dashcam footage is similar to this...Playing music a bit t0o, loud see something stupid, say "really?" followed by a curse or two ...

104 IQ... my experience with law enforcement seems to support that number...although a few times I could swear I was dealing with someone in the range of 80...what about the judges who uphold what these people are enforcing?

first car was a 98 honda civic DX hatch 5spd.

hyundai did the same thing with the 00-06 elantra...can be had in a sedan or a hatch. The hatch rocks on so many levels.

another tally mark for nissan.

the swash plate? reorients the pitch of the blade as it rotates around the hub, causing the lift charistic of each blade to change as it passes a given point in rotation.

She definitely has some weird videos...I remember a few years ago playing some on the big screen when our dorm counselor walked by and did a double take.

I will tell you what not to do...assume that a new york state handicap placard works in New york city...even after calling up three precincts to check...don't listen to will still get ticketed...Yet another experience where our finest has shown their colors...

hmm...Ray Bradbury...theres a certain Ms. on youtube that has a vulgar song about him...Rachel Bloom she goes by...

why?..she obviously saw the car coming...she takes a few steps to her right (front of the vehicle) before impact...if she would have gone to the left she would have missed it completely...or how about don't run into traffic?