
oooh...I gotta do one...thanks for reminding was?...I assume it's a harness and a bolt like most sensors.

did you ramp the front and back axles at the same time?..never had the ground clearance to slide a second set in....What's it like driving up that?

Seems like an odd place to wrap a sling around in the cover photo...yes the engine is attached to chassis but still seems iffy to rely on the mounts/driveshaft for the weight of the car.

YAY!!! accelerometer /gyroscope was the first thing that came up when I saw that photo...something about the layout screamed 3-axis monitoring to me....can I get a cookie?

He actually fit...his entire wheelbase was past the "building"...the roof had an overhang that clipped the cab of the digger...most likely couldn't see it since it was in a blind spot 8 ft. above the ground...

woah...fastest way to travel the globe...I am on this side, I am on that side.

oh man ...I love that dark green that blends to black...and he goes to montvale's like 5 minutes away...damn the gas expenses...if it was a 5spd I would have to physically restrain myself from going to the bank already.

anyone else find that as long as you can shift back and forth...even a fraction of an can get out with enough patience and using momentum...he was going a few ft before getting stuck..should have been fine.

nice...I live 20 miles away from the city and it's not even worth driving in to fight the $95 ticket in person...between tolls/gas/parking...and of course I will most likely get another ticket while fighting this.

I am fighting a ticket given in NYC for parking in a handicap zone with NYS handicap tags...kicker is I called the precinct up before I parked and after I received the ticket...both times they said that it is legal to park there.

oh man I got excited for a minute....I am also 2 minutes away from jersey (gas up there all the time) but I am the NY side of it by ramsey. Thought for a second I would see a familiar ferrari with a plaid shirted driver around town. additional $800 delivery charge? that sucks...4-6 months is a long time...I was figuring maybe waiting a week or two...

That boston red does look good. The strange thing is they still offer that "electrolyte green" on the accent. Couldn't you get one ordered to the dealership? If I had time and it was an option I would most likely wait for it.

very annoyed that hyundai pulled it off the color wheel for the veloster when the turbo came out....looked really good on it.

you guys are scary...this is like the third time that I have watched a documentary and you guys have an article about it the next day...stop looking up my youtube history.

pulp fiction.

Don't know about the new GT but I have a 2005 elantra GT.

I was teaching a friend the fun of driving in snow. Important to note that if you hit the brake while going through the step 4 you will rotate 90˚ and back-up a few feet...not so good when you don't have a few feet to back uncontrollably into.

Thank you, I have been saying it for the past few years...also please note the honda CRV and the nissan versa note...

easy...loosen your lug nuts, tighten it by hand, and then back it off again a turn or two. Drop the car and drive a few feet. Voila...wheel is now loose on the hub.*