
Part of the fun of being rich is depriving joy for the poor.

Id be more than happy if females decided to go topless as long as they are not saggy.

I wonder if you would be saying the same if trump wasnt president.

Painful truth: americans made this shithead the most powerful man in the world.

I can feel my iq increasing just by listening to this news!

Because Kotaku and other game journalists are in Konami’s payroll, just look at how favorable they talk about this cashgrab.

This game shows that not all the money and assets in the world can replace talent.

I guess we now know who to blame for the connectivity issues...

Rubio got BTFO

Makes me love ghibli even more, fuck Rapey Weinstein.

Cant anyone take a joke anymore?

He was great in Hana-bi, he will be missed.

Wait for a sale for the switch, there was one for doom recently, maybe by summer you might be able to get it for 30 or 40 dollars, that seems the right price for me.

I was very skeptical about motion controls but after playing them on splatoon 2 I cant believe more games on the switch dont use them. I was disappointed to find out i couldn’t use motion controls in the bayoneta minigames, considering they bothered to include touch screen controls.

Isnt this how every female competition looks like?


Can someone explain me why there is no wakanda in real life?

What year is it... 1995?

So you spoiled the game for nothing, great...

I cant believie I doubted nintendo, they really put the nintendo magic on these experiences.