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He’s probably just a sane person who fully reckognizes the weirdness of being Ryan Reynolds. When everything and everyone in your life tells you you’re hot shit, self-deprecating humor is pretty much the only reasonable response.


This is a terrible article, and you should feel bad for attempting to shame someone for the things they enjoy.

They’re fine, you snob.

You use “hella” in a headline, yet still feel confident enough to call someone else lame?

Counterpoint. As “essential SF in a visual medium” there is nothing wrong with this list.

Here’s what Patrick Stewart will actually look like in 2024.

CC Jitters is/was fine, but appears to be frequented by stalkers.

The VOICE reminded me of JWS. I honestly thought it was going to be him when he removed the mask.

Haven’t seen the episode yet but did the coffee shop make it through OK? Please tell me Jitters is OK.

Alex Desert in charge of the Police Department was the best part, and the citizens agree! Look how timely people were evacuated! It’s as if they’re ready for a Power Rangers style battle!

“Suburban Woman Killed by Over Three Hundred Speedsters, film at eleven.”

When Will Barry Finally Learn From His Mistakes on The Flash?

“too Star Trek” .. never heard it put this way before but it really works.

Wow! This came out of left field, but is certainly not unwelcome, given the stakes in the current election year.


Calm down grandpa. There a Rifleman marathon on tomorrow just for you.

Now playing

I know it’s not quite as good as “Far Beyond the Stars,” (which is one fo the best in Trek history) but “Our Man Bashir” is just a super fun episode to watch.