Really great episode. I’ve really enjoyed this show so far.
Really great episode. I’ve really enjoyed this show so far.
Agreed. Bonfire is such a huge fucking misfire.
The pilot is indeed excellent. I remember the first time I watched it again as an adult when I was 19 and it just blew me away.
No I didn’t see Miami Vice during its original airing as I born about halfway through its run.
I saw them last year on the Australian leg of this tour and they were pretty good. A very intense show though - the pyrotechnics were almost uncomfortable loud and all that but it was a good gig overall.
You’ve got to break a few gregs to make a Tomlette.
Miami Vice is hardly Mann’s worst film and is, in my opinion, his most underrated. It’s fucking awesome.
Really sad news, particularly for his family.
I love the idea that people love tweeting and saying horrible shit that they’d happily commit career suicide so they can keep doing it.
Yes. It’s actually a different colour entirely during that part of the story.
Paul’s night in listening to Hall and Oates and eating a cheese board looks fucking amazing.
He was really good in his small role in Hunt for Red October and The Bunker where he played Albert Speer (opposite Hopkins as Hitler).
Finally got to see this last night. Loved it. Great, great movie
The writers strike sadly led to the end of one of my favourite shows of that era - Journeyman. Great series but at least we got the 13 episodes they produced.
As I recall they had a basic first draft of a script but that was about it. Huge amounts of it were re-written on-set, which really shows.
Heroes is one of those shows which I remember loving during Season 1 and then feeling like it fell apart early in Season 2.
Had a lot of fun with this one. I was a massive fan back during its original run so it was nice to see the gang again.
Sad to send it end because I love this show but at the same time, four seasons is a good run and it will be great to see it go out on a high rather than limp to an end.
I remember find it a visually really interesting film but finding its story to be lacking in comparison to Spider-Man, X-2 and Daredevil, all of which had come out in the previous three years.