
What the fuck, Ellen? This isn’t about whether or not you should put raisins in your potato salad (which, no, obvs)—this is about your presence in his orbit basically absolving a man of war crimes, a man whose party would be more than happy to deny you basic human rights simply based on who you love.

*lol* Depending on the album, Skinny Puppy could be educational! “Today, kiddo, we’re going to talk about vivisection!”

Where I live, there’s an Impeachmint cider, and it’s really tasty. I hope it’s not out of season yet...I should grab a few.

Robert Pickton in Canada murdered 49 sex workers and the police wrote them all off as “They left town” until at a certain point it was impossible to ignore the facts, due to pressure by people who protested their lack of action.

“Get in the van, kids! It’s time for soccer practice!” *cranks up Piggy*

Given how he wants to impeach everyone he doesn’t like, I was thinking the same thing.

Sutherland’s locs look great to me. And I’m 100% with you on Luck’s nasty neckbeard. He always looks so greasy. Blech.

Oh noes a man in a dress! He must be a preevert!” *eyeroll*

Oklahoma! Oklahoma! Oklahoma!

Damn. I suppose this would fall under the header of "skinfolk ain't kinfolk".

Mr. Niinisto, sir, I feel you. I would be absolutely shuddering in revulsion if Trump touched me. In addition to being invasive and rude, it’s also very patronizing. “You’re a good little doggy, aren’t you?” *patpatpat*

I miss Tesco. The store brand cheeses are so much better than what I’m used to. The store brand old cheddar here is nowhere near as nippy.

That would make a ten hour Megabus ride almost worth it.

I miss being able to hover over one of the blog names and see a strip of top articles from that blog. Much faster than having to click through to each blog and scroll back through posts. I ended up reading the verticals more broadly that way because I didn’t have to waste time with navigating.


Sometimes when I see a photo of his puckered anus of a mouth, I imagine beating his skull in with the heel of his own shoe.

Mrs. Howell? Oh lovey!

The game was so bad—“how bad was it?”—the game was so bad that I was playing Pokemon Go for most of the second half. Mostly just going through my pokebox, evolving and dumping the junk with a lucky egg going in the background. Doing paperwork, basically.

I would never besmirch his spirit. Just his perpetually grumpy expression.

Ooh, yeah. She does have that same grim expression!