UsagiBunny*can't star anyone*

I’m a yoga teacher and I can’t stand most other yoga teachers for the exact same reason. Stay in your lane, people!!

Completely agree. I see a chiropractor on occasion because my spine and hips are slightly twisted but not bad enough to count as scoliosis. The occasional adjustment relieves headaches, neck pain, and compression in my ribcage.

“Never fight fair. You might lose.”

I had a working rotary phone, with a convenient box case to conceal it’s true self in, until 10 years ago. Yes, that is correct; it finally stopped working in 2007.

Still wayyy to close to this:

Miller is a genuinely dangerous True Believer.


I have individually packaged teabags to use as currency. I’m also going to stock up on tampons and laundry soap for bartering.

Agreed. Calgary is WAY to close to Montana for comfort.

Make enough smoke and eventually you’ll find fire? That was their logic, I assume.

I’d love to just bow like the Japanese do. So simple and hygienic.

The hand patting thing reminds me of dementia patients.

Hey that is an insult to tripe!

Hugs to you, I hope you feel better every day.

I keep going on tinfoil hatter rants and prepper tangents, I’m having panic attacks and I’m trying to get my friends and family to talk me down. The problem is that a lot of them are worried too and won’t tell me I’m being crazy.

I’m so, so sorry.

I love Martha and I love your love for Martha.

Turned on by a speculum???? Da fuq???