
I am saying a probability. I've had my sister run from home when she was 8 due to similar marginalization of her problems. We were so lucky to have one of our friends see her and pick her up in a cab and bring her back. My point is this - a simple exam is due. Do not marginalize a child's problems, because a child

Being a pessimist, I see this as "Why harness the power of the nature - sun, water and wind, when we can use people instead". But on the other hand, Duracell will really inspire me to hold hands with a stranger in sickly times. You know, because I would not touch the handle on a public restroom, but I will touch the

Jesus, man, the amount of cheese in that comment. My whole point was that an exam was due. It may have been done, and the article just omitted that part as unimportant. I mean, if a kid complains, instead of being shallow, like a modern society, ask "Why would she have this problem?", then examine her, make sure she

Hi, Stephen.

I envy you.

The PC master race.

Isn't this silly? I mean, the child could really have problems and "monsters under the bed" to be the way she explains them. She is, naturally, not very knowledgeable, so it is understandable that she will use silly things, but what if she really hears noise that can't help her sleep? What if she has issues with the

A-hem! Sony has had a next gen shooter since before the next gen consoles came out! I am truly excited about Destiny, but come on now, Planetside 2 was the first next gen shooter.

A beach ball is round. An hourglass is curvy. We have 2 distinct words to describe 2 distinct things.

I know. Of course, I make sure to remind all "curvy" women I meet that they are round. I find curvy to be an extremely sexy body type. Much like many others do. I just make sure to remind them that if they demand to be identified as curvy, they better live up to the word. For many women who care about their bodies,

However, the video described a fat girl as curvy and the girl portrayed was not curvy, she was full on fat. I just want people to use words as what those words mean. If I was not watching the video, only listening to it and heard "curvy women have more self esteem" my reaction would be "well, duh! they're more

Of course I objectify women. If I am attracted to a woman's looks, without knowing her, of course I am objectifying her. Everyone does it. It's fine. I also love vocabulary. I try to use and enjoy the variety the English language provides. Of course I will describe a woman's body. Why not? I see it. I'll describe her

Here is how I think of curvy - a ball is not curvy. An hourglass is curvy. Nobody will ever describe something round as curvy. The only reason to do so is pure feelgood intentions. Fat acceptance. But it is not an improvement of language, like changing the meaning of 'gay'. Because now 'curvy' has 2 specific meanings

The whole point of my first post is that 'curvy' should not be used to describe fat. Check out the girl in the comments who claims to be genuinely curvy and doesn't want to describe herself as such, because people will assume she's fat. 'Curvy' means small waist and wide hips. Bust size is irrelevant. It doesn't have

I have always felt like using a word to describe someone who is not that is an insult to the people who are that. I am a tall skinny guy, but my muscles are quite defined, but I am still skinny. However, I would never demand to be called muscular, even if skinny is often used as an insult. Because I know the effort

Now playing

To my understanding, curvy describes only lines. It has nothing to do with how skinny or not a girl is. Sophia Vergara is definitely curvy and stunning. But this girl is curvy too - tiny waist, wide hips - that is what curvy is. If you care, you can watch her not stick her hip out on the streets:

Don't worry. Much like gay used to mean happy but it doesn't anymore, soon curvy will mean fat, all thanks to fat women and the feelgood society we live in. We will start describing sexy bodies in even more detail, because curvy will no longer represent sexy, we'll have to go in specific detail about the curve that

Shut up you fucking racist.

Faq this. I stopped watching at the point where she called fat women 'curvy'. Being the shape of a blob doesn't mean you're curvy. Fat women have been trying to claim 'curvy' but it is not going to happen. This girl is curvy:

If this game doesn't run on my old Radeon 5670, it will be the first game not to do so.

Did he succeed? No. I still need to be told what letters he is making, therefore he failed... I am starting to hate Japan.

Doesn't this show a positive thing about the sexism feminists are so yapping about? Because MRA's would claim that a man's value is in his possessions and his role in society, and feminists would complain that a woman is only valued for her body, but this study confirms that, just in different words - a woman is only