
I get the joke and I am full aware what it is about. But that joke makes it completely okay to paint him black and have him in the movie - because that is the joke. Because it is funny and there's not a pinch of hate. And of course it can only work in the context of the whole movie. The point I am making is that

Who in the world cares about what Chinese TV is doing. There was a Spider-Man in the video as well.

Political correctness 1.01 - making fun of your own social group is totally acceptable, making fun of a group you don't belong to is not. I think that is all it comes down to - a lot of Japanese humor I've seen is all about physical humiliation. A lot of it is not clever at all. Then again, farts are stupid and

Robert Downey Jr. was in blackface for the greater part of Tropic Thunder and was nominated for an Oscar for supporting role for it. Blackface is totally fine, it matters how you pull it off.

I figured it out! From now on, all commercials and ads will feature only... RHINOS! That way nobody would be offended and we all win! No person or stereotype would ever be made fun of, how can this not improve society?!

We know what you don't mean by competitive, but I don't think you know what competitive game is. It's about skill ceiling and balance. Quake 3 is awesome competitive shooter - no unlocks, no upgrades, raw skill, good balance and the sky is the ceiling. I loved Unreal Tournament even more! CoD - it has unlocks,

Between her saying "titan ready in 60 seconds" and "titan ready in 30 seconds", only 10 seconds pass. It could be some alpha thing to decrease titan time for the sake of testing, or some bug, or the video could be sped up.

Anyway, I am unimpressed, really. I'd have PlanetSide 2 over this any time.

I came here with my general internet attitude that everything is mediocre or it sucks, but god damn this is breath taking!

I would never put electricity in my healthy eye willingly. Have it measure glucose levels with snot, saliva, sweat or whatever - just not my eyes. And I would love my phone to remain a phone. Make a health monitoring device that isn't connected to a network if you wish - I'll buy that.

How is this gourmet? Isn't gourmet like eating panda assholes, or cheetah heels, or hummingbird tongues. Gourmet in this article is used as a fancy version of "fancy". Maybe I am wrong. :O

Can someone explain to me the value of bandwidth and why it needs to be limited per month? Is it because heavy bandwidth use results in greater load on the ISP's whatever distribution system, which results in slower speeds for all? So, basically it's not our problem and just the ISP has to step it up and upgrade their

I am of the gamers that generally hate checkpoints. I would much rather have a checkpointless game where I can save whenever I want. If they want restrictions - give me 2 save slots per game only. Make it like Blade of Darkness/Severance (classic), where the game calls you a hero if you save rarely and coward if you

Apparently, it is white people chatting with your child.

I have 3 games like that on my PC. All are made by me and will never be released, because they are shit. However, I am not being an artfag about it.

You don't say "The end begins" in a MMO, unless you're plotting on offing the game in 3 months, jesus

I want to dip into this. The movies comparison isn't really fair. One of the main thing in games, generally, is that you pretty much don't know anyone who made them - they aren't in the news, they aren't lit by any glamor light, you don't know their life. Throwing insults is very impersonal. The idiot is behind his

Bleh... cutscenes, cutscenes, cutscenes. I do not care what actress they molded a character's face after. This does not matter to me. Or how precisely they captured her facial expressions. Yes, the technology is amazing, but I as a gamer am tired of cutscenes by now. If I wanted to watch a 3D animated movie with