
Buckin this trend right now

HHokay so here’s ze Earth. Schillin, daim! that is a sweet Earth you might say. Round!

It does not matter if you like dogs becasue dogs like you.

It’s impossible to live a life that “doesn’t rely in anyway upon the misery or death of other creatures”. Being vegan doesn’t mean you are perfectly harmless to everything. But that fact shouldn’t mean we can’t at least try to be better. The knee-jerk reaction of “well actually you ARE hurting things, haha!” is so

I’m glad they finally made it public knowledge that they are full of shit.

I now get my news solely from Gizmodo and The Onion. Life is a better place. Although I spend more and more time cowering under my desk.

To be fair he does tell the sales guy that he knows nothing about mopeds :)

Is it bad that I hope this photo was taken at one of Trump’s golf courses?

I could see that...

Spending time and money on yourself to keep yourself mentally and physically healthy is hardly wasted. Don’t feel guilty about that; it will only add to the strain. Just keep at it; it sounds like you’re already doing what you can to resist the tide. It’s not at the point yet where we have to give up any semblance of

I know- I’m exhausted. There are SO many awful things happening that I get completely overwhelmed and feel even more helpless. But I can’t ignore it, either because pretty much every awful thing directly affects my students.

The best thing you can do at times like these is take care of yourself, so you can continue keeping up the good fight. Work so you can afford to give money, have dinner with friends so you can talk about your feelings, sleep in on Saturdays so you’ll be well-rested to keep on being an advocate.

Anybody who thought that Eva Braun and The Other Eva Braun were going to be any kind of help was deluded. 

It’s not a waste if the viewers believe it and think the GOP has ‘fixed’ Obamacare. We should be alarmed that they will declare victory no matter what.

They probably ran these on purpose... 1. Think of the sheer number of people that will see this. 2. Think of how many of those people will think it’s true because they don’t follow any news. 3. Think of the number of happy Trump supporters in ignorant bliss.

I’m sort of fine with that. They live in delusion, my pre-existing condition stays covered.

Although they fucked this up, it is an ominous sign that their is a ton of this dark money out there that is going to be used to brainwash the easily manipulated Americans who will continue to support the people that are fucking them over.