Unwitting Burrito

Why do toddlers throw tantrums? They haven’t gotten their way yet, regardless of the wisdom or logic of their “way”.

I just projectile vomited. I can’t even read the whole thing, it’s so fucking disgusting. I want all these people to go the fuck to jail. Garbage humans.

And the first part of his statement isn’t any less disturbing:

That’s...ugh. So sorry for your friend and her sisters. I hope that man dies a horrible, painful death.

“When I was [a BYU student], we had guys get in trouble for this stuff, so I think it’s a problem.”

How am I expected to read this long article, when I got a rage stroke halfway into the third paragraph that has rendered me blind?

EXACTLY. This is also how those anti-choice “crisis pregnancy centers” trick women into going there for help— only to find out that they’re not even in a medical facility with any licensed practicioners, but rather in an indoctrination center where forced-birth zealots try to force them to look at made-up imagery of

I’m sure they purposely choose the names to confuse people who actually want to register as independents. The closeness of the names in not a coincidence.

Compared to the shit Kipling said about people who weren’t white, she’s being EXTRAORDINARILY polite.

Well, part of her point is that this story is NOT positioned for people to learn or enjoy it DESPITE that, because it is being presented without any context at all. Disney just puts it out there and goes “Cool! Talking Animals!” and all the underlying imperialism and racism goes with it.

...you have no idea what “context” means, do you? It means, we should know the history and culture surrounding something even when we read or watch it. It’s Reading Comprehension 101 - you better understand something the more you know about the context in which it was written.

The article isn’t stating that about The Jungle Book either. Read the article and not just the title: it’s stating that we need to place Kipling and the book in their proper context.

That’s why she said it needs to be put in context.

Especially with the thousand of events like this (unsafe storage, accidental discharge due to negligence) per year, rapidly increasing - it can’t be ignored anymore.

I have to get a mandatory education before I can obtain a driver’s license. It boggles the mind that in some places you can buy a weapon specifically designed for killing without the same rule.

My grandfather owns a couple of rifles that he uses for hunting (which I hate but whatever) but he always keeps his guns in a safe. Even though all the grandchildren are adults, he still keeps it in a fucking safe. Because that is the logical thing to do, since it is a fucking gun. He’s also a Jon Stewart loving man

Not to mention she calls her gun a toy and “plays” with it.

WAY too many of these “Don’t be a fraidy cat of my gun” intimidater types don’t have the FIRST CLUE as to how to store or handle them safely.

It’s time for mandatory education before purchase, ‘cause these people just aren’t getting it done.

I think DCFS is already on it. The child is with his grandparents.

This is way too fucked up to be funny. Terrible thing. All I can think about is how likely is she to be charged after this? Some kind of child endangerment? Or will they just let her off with a slap on the wrist if she survives? Anyone know?