Unwitting Burrito

Thank you. Didn’t quite understand the tone of this article, specifically when one culture is so radically different than another. It makes sense to teach new arrivals about cultural norms where they will now be living, including—but not exclusive to—standing laws.

That’s exactly what I was thinking! Can we offer this course to every legislator? Remember the Utah guy that thought it was ok to rape his wife?

I LOLed. In all honesty, I think policy decisions in other countries affect us positively in the long, long, long run. Like, the tiny baby steps forward we are making in maternity leave now is thanks in large part to people pointing vaguely northeast and saying, IT WORKS IN SWEDEN. Or I’m making that up due to my

I’m for this (with caution). I worked in a Swedish pre-school in a fairly multi-cultural area of Stockholm, and we once had a minor issue when a Dad from a patriarchal society kicked off when he saw his son running around school in a princess dress. (Swedish gender neutrality means not that we don’t have princess

Can we have this course in American schools? And we can stop pretending violence against women isn’t tolerated in every country? I mean how many articles have we read about overwhelming support for rapists and victims coerced into recanting?

It is not forced cultural assimilation to explain that in the new country there are laws, and those laws must be obeyed. Rape is against the law, even if it is of one’s spouse. This does not seem to me to be remotely controversial.

Yes. It feels a bit awkward here with this particular target audience, but the message about consent and not using religion as an excuse for unacceptable behaviors are ones that I feel should be widely taught.

To me, the last paragraph exemplifies why this is a good idea. It seems like they’re going out of their way to avoid saying “your immigrant ways are wrong” and instead are saying “there are the rules here. even if these rules don’t apply where you are from, they apply in Norway.”

Agreed. Respecting cultures is one thing, but it should be refused to accept cultural practices that accept the victimization of anyone. That treatment of women is so ingrained in his mind, he feels men cannot control their urges!

Can someone offer a similar course for certain members of the GOP?

Thank you for reminding me of max and penny and then crushing me w sadness and despair

Ugh. I miss this show so hard.

Seinfeld was given three seasons to get it right, Happy Endings was on point in it’s first. Then you have shows like Rules of Engagment on for six seasons. Hollywood is a sick place I tell ya.

Seriously. Happy Endings was SO GOOD.

Why do they cancel the best shows?

Is a hipster’s word worth nothing these days?

Reading all that is making my eyes involuntarily roll back into my head.

I have a hard time believing that an artisanal, locally-sourced, hand-crafted, gluten-free, organic, bean-to-bar chocolate maker would misrepresent their product in this way.

You’re the most embarrassing thing about your company that isn’t named “Kinja.”