
Thanks - I have very little dignity anyway, and even less shame.

It's long in the past, and I was already laughing about it myself after a couple of days.

No - it's a pizza, dipped in batter and deep-fried.
Go to the right (wrong) "chippie", and you can also have deep-fried Mars bars or deep-fried haggis. I've eaten the latter, and it sat like a lead weight in my gut for two days. And I normally like haggis.

Doing any more than sniffing could give rise to salmonella. That is a bitch.

Give your music a go. See what happens.

That star in that situation is a target - somewhere to place your foot, as you push down firmly.

I've had the opportunity before - but turned it down, because of my own monogamous thinking.
Also, performance anxiety (as a straight man, being in bed with two women is supposed to be a fantasy, but I'd be terrified that I was surplus to requirements).

I was tested for bowel cancer about nine years ago.

salted caramel earth?

This came up last week too. A lot of gay guys I know love boobs too. I'm not gay myself, but I too love boobs.

Employed? Yes.
Gainfully? Weeelllll….

True story - I had just started a new job in 2000, and I stupidly ran a Yahoo search for Guy Ritchie's follow up to "Lock, Stock…" starring Jason Statham and Brad Pitt.

She was talking about less well-placed tattoos when she was considering it - but you do make a good point (NB I am the CFO of a small charity, and my tattoo doesn't impair my work).

… at the time of writing.

I have a male gay friend who is obsessed. When Mrs periscopes wore a corset once, this guy just couldn't keep his eyes off her.

It's not that weird. I hope.
Bicycles also have a correlation with health.

My wife has looked after herself very well, and has always been super-attractive to me.
But one thing that really gets me going is the little ringlets at the back of her neck, underneath the rest of her hair. They are the most beautiful thing in my world. I hate it when she occasionally has her hair straightened.

To be fair, skulls are often demonic.

I have a very similar background to yours. Plus my dickhead stepfather had some terrible tattoos.

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