
Nite Kroller Roolz

I doubt that. I'm sure he'd have mentioned it if he were.

This ad was a culmination of several years in Britain of [stereotypically] French Papa and Nicole ads for the Renault Clio. They basically spent their time driving off in Clios for assignations.
Vic (the groom in this ad) and Bob were huge absurdist comedians in the 90s. They are now mediocre absurdist comedians. Until

AVC: If you were a supervillain…
MG: [interrupting] IF???!!!

We could even make a disappointing movie about the invention of lying. We could call it something like "David Brent, Fibber".

Our chief weapon is death. Death and milk. Our two chief weapons are death and milk. And disappointment. Our THREE chief weapons…

It's real then.

The A.V.Club

No - that's why the material is priceless.

The A.V. Club

You gotta fight for your right to sample.

I spent a bit of cash about ten years ago re-building my Transformers collection - I only just resisted selling it all again when I saw the Michael Bay films (the first two).

I was so proud that I'd managed to tape the theme tune from "The Equalizer" that way without interruption. I thought that theme was the best when I was 10.

I'm a little confused.

'Sunday Bloody Sunday'. What a great song. It really encapsulates the frustration of a Sunday, doesn't it? You wake up in the morning, you've got to read all the Sunday papers, the kids are running round, you've got to mow the lawn, wash the car, and you think "Sunday, bloody Sunday!".

Me too. I used to interview my friends as well.
I shudder to think how crap it would all sound now, so I'm glad I've lost the tapes.

Or at least a Manhattan

To repeat Kolya's sentiment - you did sterling work in caring for your friend. Beating yourself up (literally or figuratively) over that is not something I feel you should be doing.

But you should.