
“he struggled to stay in baseball shape”

He’s terrible. But his “fans” are worse. And whoever at Disney green-lighted project chucklefuck is the worstest.

The kid’s a little shrill, but I’d still rather listen to him call a game than Joe Buck.

This is a good comment. May you have more stars than the ‘97 Marlins.

It’s less impressive than it looks. His meaty paws are natural catchers mitts.

I haven’t seen Cousins screwed this hard since I lived in Mississippi.

Boy, is Allen’s face red.

We don’t need a boxing match to tell us that racism and homophobia are alive and well in America; we had an election last fall that proved that.

Golic & Wingo sounds like something my kid would watch on Nick Jr.

DeNiro will play Gettleman when they make a movie out of this. You heard it here first.

Like a lot of fathers-to-be who aren’t ready to commit, Tait is looking to walk.

The article suggests that a black male is already involved.

So he disCarded it?

Zion is a great mountain of a man.

Agreed. The real story here is that there’s someone out there named My-King Johnson, which is incredible.

Agreed, thanks.

How did you search for that on BBR?

I’d ask you to tell me what that rule is, but then it wouldn’t be unwritten.

I guess this makes sense for both sides, but how often does an ace get traded to a team’s cross-town rival?