ay mamacita

PSA: Don’t confuse ^^^ this weirdo stalker up here ^^^ who creates a new burner every couple of weeks with the legit DrEmilioLizardo.

Glad I could be of service :)

Take a hike, asshole.


“Hunting for sport” is *not* hunting.

Wtf you’re in the greys?

Were you around here 2015-16 in the run-up to the general? If you were you’ll remember the dozens of fake Bernie-bro accounts across the Gizmodo sites. The same thing is happening again and the tells might be easy to miss if you’re not paying careful attention (e.g., anyone who claims to be a Bernie supporter and

It describes his hair perfectly.

I think he’s also gone by “The Screeching of Elizabeth Warren” and “Jezebel’s colonic Flush.”

I like a good wake-and-bake myself.

At first glance I thought it was Jeff Sessions (remember him?).

Basket of deplorables” was the least of Corporate Shillary’s mistakes. There was some shady shit going on in the DNC and she and DWS screwed Bernie over. Not saying he would have for sure gotten the nom otherwise because we’ll never know. I firmly believe he had a better chance to win the general in 2016 considering

You seem a little fussy. Change your Depends.

FOH, Tomato.

Same. He doesn’t even like dogs.

That’s the one I keep coming back to. Whoosh!

Madoff swindled rich people though.