
Ohh! Ohhhhhh! Bwaaaaaaa!!!!! DAMNNNNN!!!


Those are the official rules.

Thank you! I only buy games on sale, and 100% off is as good as it gets!

EDIT: This is NOT free. You have to subscribe to EA’s Origin service at $5.00/ month. Lame.

“...the Lawful Good Rebel Alliance”

Rebels are, by definition, Chaotic, or at the very least, Neutral. As a whole, the Light Side of the force is Neutral Good, while the Sith are Neutral Evil.

There are plenty of Empire folks who are Lawful Good and just following orders.

That’s the point.

Wow. 2017 has already collapsed into its own anus in a bizzare, tangled web of racism, anti-racism, elitism, anti-elitism, pseudo/quasi/anti intellectualism and smug Inception-level self-reflecting narcissism.

Here we have an “article” which is nothing but self-satisfied judgments about other people’s self-satisfied

Their derby with Man Village is the stuff of legend.

*bacon of hope

He said “Sit down, sit down, sit down, sit down, sit down- you’re rocking the boat”.

It’s 2016. It’s how old people used to chest on exams. Like me.

I’m thankful that here in Minnesota LINDSAY is a BAMF masketball player.

There’s a Secretary of whatever the hell he wants. He’s the President now. That’s real.

“The first thing we do, is kill all the lawyers”.
Shakespeare, Henry VI

I read this as an existential quention in regards to Purple Wolverine.

Russians calling Game 7 of the 2016 World Series is a pretty sweet Cold War trophy.

Worth every penny. Probably the best console game I’ve played. Played through it once with all the characters, then never again. I want to leave the memories alone. Enjoy, dude.

You can either know what it means or where it is, but not both at the same time.

Live Free or Red Dead

Who else was confused and wondering what Five Fall 3 was?

Funk, baby! That’s the funk!