
Exactly - Piper started a fucking Aryan Nations chapter to handle her personal business beef with Ruiz. The consequences of that are gonna matter. She just created a fucking monster to fight her battles, and she's already trying to put it back on the slab.

Well, Piper herself is a fundamentally insincere person. She's a fucking entitled piece of shit who has brought every single thing that's happened to her onto herself.

don't worry i'm sure he'll be a creepy fucking schmuck tomorrow.

Kind of an interesting low-key throughline this season - Anglo America is content to lump all these women together as "Hispanic" but within that mass group there are a bunch of diverse identities that don't present a singular unified front.

I agree with all of this, and IIRC, if you look at *black people with mental illness*, that's like THE group most likely to be killed by police. (it's technically "Black men with mental illnesses in urban areas" if you want to get super intersectional here - but I get your point.)

I know, right? I thought the makeup team was just killing it, but no, they found an actress who basically channeled the still-living ghost of Lori Petty.

I feel like we all need to give some extra love to the actress who played Young Lolly - she didn't just "play Lori Petty" she fucking *channeled* her. I didn't believe it was a different actress at first and was like "holy shit they killed it with the makeup…"

He's doing a funsies book for the amusement of internet nerds.

It's a bold strategy, Cotton.

"And then, years later, you find out you just have to stand on it and press down. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck off."

And the first president to be in the WWE Hall of Fame.

the birth of a nation (of anonymous disqus users)

Isn't that a "Rusty Venture"?

Yes. The plot is entirely a vehicle to watch Tatiana Maslany do something damned near unprecedented in the history of television.

There was a story that came out shortly after he died from some rando who was riding a bike around Minneapolis and saw Prince just sitting on the curb a couple blocks from Paisley Park, like he'd been out jogging or taking a walk and stopped to catch his breath.

Someone who is offering a bribe from a position of weakness to someone in a position of power is in a position of weakness. Fig was in a position where Caputo could destroy her career and her life, and was acting in desperation. She is certainly culpable of bribery, but her actions were mitigated somewhat by her

Bran got old? Hell, Rickon left on a tricycle and drove himself back

Piscatella seems to at least be well-meaning in his stupidity, as opposed to FUCKING HEALY THAT SMARMY FUCK.

Well, her and Brad "Accidental Racist" Paisley, I guess.

you can be Amish and be white trash, I figure. I mean, that's just where she "clicked" when she went on Rumspringa.