
I'd say more "shit on how we handle returning veterans in this country", but I get your point.

Stealing a car isn't a federal crime unless the car is property of the federal government.

They're also people who are willing to move to the middle of shitfuck nowhere to work as prison guards and live in dorms.

Your point about pay is a good one as well. Kind of comically bullshit, though, to bring the kid back and then stiff him the extra salary.

THEORY: Rickon hasn't had any dialogue since like, season 3 or so. I wonder if the actor's voice dropped in the interim and now he sounds ridiculous.

My issue with Caputo comes to some extent from being in a similar field (education) where there are ethical issues with power, control, and coercion. If someone has the power to fuck up your career, there's consent issues inherent in that relationship.

I'm calling it, BTW: the actor who played Rickon totally has a hilariously deep voice now, hence the whole "he doesn't say anything but grunts and wheezes" thing.

Tommen is a dead man. It's just a question of when.

Yeah. My nightmare would be "Healy did nothing wrong."

I don't teach Social Work, but I do have a lot of Social Work students come through my class. I feel like they should watch this episode as a cautionary tale.

This episode gave me a thing that I really find jarring about OINTB - the flashbacks where the actor plays themselves at a point in the past. So 2016 Michael Harney plays 1995 Healy (with a soul patch and Smash Mouth hair!) and it's really really jarring.

Je ai reçu une notification WWE RAW pour cela?

RE: Joffrey's sanity: Yes and no - there were certainly some HUGE red flags for Joff (the "disemboweling a pregnant cat to see what the kittens looked like inside" episode) that were mishandled (Big Bobby B beating the shit out of him in reaction).

Eh. The show seems happy to go about its business with no named Dothraki.

I used to know a guy online who was working on an academic article about the presentation of arms and armor in fantasy films.

Yup. Looks like Presas to me. (IIRC they are something of a hipster alternative to bully breeds for people who want a big strong tough dog as a status symbol - there was a case maybe 5-10 years ago where a pair of them got loose and mauled a woman to death.)

I mentioned this elsewhere, but if I was the fanfic-writing type, I'd like to see a "what if" story where Big Bobby B got Joffrey fostered at Winterfell for a couple years. How different would Joff turn out if he'd been raised among the Stark boys? Could that have kept his clear emotional and psychological issues in

BB, I love ya, man, but it was a dog food pun. Beneful is a brand of dog food.

ISIS is in Pakistan? They really oughta put a "P" in the acronym, then. Islamic State in Iraq, Syria, and Pakistan. ISISP. ISPIS? PISSI?

There's a lot of low-key musing on nature vs nurture on this show. Jon, who is raised by Ned, even if he isn't Ned's son, gets Ned's bullheaded nature and strong honor, while Theon, also raised by Ned but not as a son, is a treacherous little shit.