The slightly raised eyebrows did it for me.
The slightly raised eyebrows did it for me.
The genius of the “WTF am I doing here” to “coy smile, hello...” is transcendent.
We should also recognize that she is fundamentally honest, and does not have he record of lying that people think she has.…
Uh, I’m pretty sure the reason is because Hillary is a woman, and so the assumption is that if we’re expected to vote for her, we have to like her. Nobody is asking if Donald Trump is likable. Nobody asked that question at all in the previous elections, except in roundabout ways like how they'd want to have a beer…
I need to form a support group for people who have always liked and related to Hillary, and therefore in this election feel like outcasts.
I never said she should not be held accountable for her lies, but we need to collectively acknowledge that the other candidate has a significant lying problem too and somehow seems to not be held in as much contempt for it. Clinton is not perfect by any means but the hate that gets directed towards is definitely…
I hope so, JujyMonkey. I hope so.
You mean....out of your “wherever”?
NASA humour is best humour.
I had forgotten about it! Truly glorious.
Related: I want someone to make me a sheriff pin embossed with “Far Left Jezebel Lesbian Shitass,” because, well, duh.
Hi there,
I’m gay, so...this is awkward.
Dear G-d, thank you for this, it makes me cackle immensely.
— from the actual lesbian who wrote this article.
All the respect to you (and women in science in general, obviously). And oy vey, I don’t even want to guess that number.
But seriously, thank you for your work!
OMG NASA!! Twins! I have the exact same one hidden under my bed in a box labeled “me time.”
I know the scientist in the photo, and she’s a wonderful person, whether she’s looking at a phallic rocket or not!
Well, we’re all a bunch of angry lesbians here at Jezebel, so we’re honestly asking. We’ve never seen a penis before and think this might literally be an actual penis. We’re sorry this offended you, but you can focus on coverage of the latest Taylor Swift controversy for the hard hitting coverage that mature people…
Former nasa rocket scientist here: yep. All rockets and many other parts of satellites look like penises. Next question: how many awkward silences ensue when your the first woman in the propulsion branch and it’s obvious that before you got there the parts were referred to as penis parts....