This. “I myself would never have an abortion” is a perfectly acceptable position within the ‘pro abortion’ crowd. Because it’s that person’s choice.
This. “I myself would never have an abortion” is a perfectly acceptable position within the ‘pro abortion’ crowd. Because it’s that person’s choice.
Can confirm nothing will placate sens fans. There will be a mutiny when EK goes
No, your thinking of mass shootings
Sens fan. Karlesson is not overrated. For the past 5 years the team has been bottom10 in the league without him on the ice and top10 when he is on. He’s having a down year bc he had major surgery and missed training camp (and now there is nothing to play for). He is a one man breakout machine and stits all the teams…
“Half my synagogue congregation is made up of Cruzes, Holmes and Lanzas” said no Jew ever
Or perhaps it’s bc the US watched from the sidelines for the first half of WW2, profiting from selling weapons to all sides, and avoiding being bombed to shit themselves so that they had the only functional infrastructure of any power nation when the war ended.
this is good advice for enjoying orgy porn as well
Nothing to see here. Democracy is working fine. Go to school and work hard and YOU can be anything you want to be, even an elected official. Even President!
they “won” round one by ensuring anti-Russia Hillary lost the election, and implemented a destabilizing puppet and/or incompetent in her place.
putting aside that the whole uranium thing has been debunked (or is that fakenewz?) how does Hillary’s corruption negate anything the commenter said?
Barring the impractically of converting every school, theatre, mall, department store, park, etc into a fenced-off restricted-access militarized zone with sniper protection, are you suggesting your idea of a safe country is every citizen packing heat, hand on their holster in “active shooter” mode, scanning for a bad…
Yes! God back in schools. Mandatory sharia law courses for 2 hours each day. We can even do little skits to educate about Jewish and Christian practices around their holidays throughout the year.
There goes her shot at playing the Superbowl halftime show
Trump wouldn’t let that fact stop him from saying it if the roles were reversed. I say we roll with it.
*Maybe* one bad note? Pray tell, which *one* are you on the fence about?
Put me down for $20 on ‘witch hunt’
Sure. Bazookas protect my family from intruders, and are a critical component of any modern freedom-defending militia.
Nuclear weapons don’t hurt anyone unless detonated. Why shouldn’t I be allowed to own one if I’M a responsible nuclear weapons user?
Target practice is merely improving your proficiency at using a tool designed for murder