Una Bear Dog

Just like George Orwell’s 1984... rewriting history...

The rate of evaporation of methanol is much higher than that of ethanol (e.g., found in Vodka, rubbing alcohol, etc.). This little fact should be taken into consideration when setting it on fire. Also, methanol is much deadlier than ethanol. Never ever touch it or inhale its fumes; causes permanent blindness.

Sadly, this is a somewhat frequent occurrence. The American Chemical Society had a report about these types of school accidents not too long ago. Usually, the teachers don’t have the necessary training to know what to not do during some experiments / demos. Sometimes, it’s also having faulty equipment or a lack of

I dunno, I kinda imagine Jim Comey with a giant enema rammed firmly up their asses might do the trick.

“There are two schools of thoughts on this: One, was this just Trump being Trump, saying, ‘Hey, you know, better take care of my guy Flynn’? Or was this something legitimately — was there some kind of undue influence?”

Stolen. Thank you.

Dept of Justice comment line:

That is a thing of beauty.